Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Vote

In my opinion I think that presidential elections are very important! Many people think that their vote doesn't matter, they think "what good could one more vote do?" But it does matter! That one more vote could have tied the election, or caused the winning of maybe one of the greatest presidents in history! I am sadly too young to vote, but if it was up to me I would have voted for Obama. Only because I like change and it seemed like he really had a lot to offer, I'm not so sure about that now though. Just remember, every vote counts!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Character can either be overlooked or underestimated and this is all because of personal image.  Back then it was all about character, what a person looked like hardly crossed ones mind. For example Abraham Lincoln, was very tall, lengthy and hairy! Abe wasn't seen as that thought, he was noticed for his intelligence and vision as a leader. Nowadays, the media has shaped character to be more about the image than ones true self. A person is more likely to become popular because of their beautiful/handsome image than because they are a good person at heart. So, what do you want to be known for?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Music & Me

Twenty years ago there was a very large variety of genres in music. Hip/hop, rap, R&B, country,rock are just a select few. Artists like Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Tobe Keith, Garth Brooks, Buckcherry were some of the biggest names in those genres. Rap, country and rock were probably the most popular amongst the younger ones and the most countroversial amongst adults. The youth loved them, and the adults couldn't stand the sound of them. There were several reasons why they were so popular and controversial in there time. 

Rap was probably one of the most popular genres of music twenty years ago, though it was also very controversial amongst the older generation for many reasons.
The youth loved rap because it was fun, it had a good beat you could dance to and most of the time the lyrics were something they could either relate to or laugh at.
The adults on the other hand, had several reasons to dislike rap music. One main reason being its lyrical content. Artist like "Lil Wayne" rapping about drugs and alcohol, was something most parents didn't want there children listening to.
Another main reason is the influence parents and adults thought rap music had on the youth. They thought that if "Young Jeezy" was rapping about how he sells drugs then there children might think it's "cool" to sell drugs, or if "Plies" talks about sex then the youth will be more influenced to participate in sexual acts.

Another genre of music that was popular amongst the youth and adults was rock.
The youth enjoyed rock because it was usually something they could relate to, and the hard beat was something they could really let go to.
Another reason the youth liked it was because it was often fun to party to or to play loud in the car.
Adults often had mixed feelings towards rock. While some rock was very inspirational and easy to listen to, other rock was hard and talked about sex, drugs, and alcohol. Rock also displayed a lot of violence in anger, as did rap, which is a big reason why many adults disliked both genre of music.

The last genre of music I am going to discuss is country.
Country was popular for several reasons amongsts both adults and youth. It was most often easy to listen to, and it had a happy upbeat tempo. 
Country music was also seen as inspiring to younger children. Artist like "Taylor Swift" taught about how to love and about fairytales, while "Toby Keith" talked about having a good time and loving life. This was something that not just the youth could listen to but the older generation could listen to as well. Country was considered to be good for family listening, and was more often appraised by adults than rap music or rock music.

These are just a few genres of music that were popular twenty years ago. Rap was both popular and unpopular for it's lyrical content and influence on the youth. Rock was also both popular and unpopular for its hard beat and display of anger. While country was usually good for the whole family and adults enjoyed it very much. Whether rap, rock, or country it was all very popular for many different reasons.